
From the album In the Slab of Concrete, released February 2003

I always have been fascinated with Stonehenge. This song is written to express the common questions associated with this monument: Who built it? Why did they build it? How did they build it?


50,000 years ago, or maybe more
The dawn people came to salisbury plain
But no one knows for sure
Was it the Partholonians, Formorians, or Nemedians
Or the Fir Bolg that built the monument?

Why did they build an array of stones?
How did they lift them up to put them where they go?

Was it for religious rituals late at night
Where people sacrificed animals
Or was it merely a giant astronomical calendar
Made by a people interested in the sky?

Sunset, moonrise, a perfect machine
Sarsen circle, bluestone horseshoe,
And the five trilithons
Bluestone Circle,
Predict eclipses with the Aubrey holes,
Moonset, sunrise.

Why did they build an array of stones?
How did they lift them up to put them where they go?